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Our Story: Katie, Nicolas and Monty


Entering another decade seems to bring a breakthrough of thought for many people and when we hit our 30’s that seemed to happen to us. One long summers evening without us realising we ended up conducting a sort of ‘life audit’ between us. Our main desire was to travel and marvel at what the world has to offer but while travelling discussions would always come back to the same wish. We wanted to create something of our own, a business that we are truly passionate about.


And so, on our return our next adventure started. Combining Katie’s creative imagination and design experience with Nicolas analytical mind we established Monty’s accessories.


Noticing how bland men’s essential accessories are, especially socks, with little originality and cheap manufacturing, we know our values are the opposite.  Monty’s accessories maintain high-quality, authentic designs, produced only by reputable manufacturers in Europe.


Oh, and if you are wondering who Monty is.  He’s our brand ambassador, our four-legged comrade that makes our office lively. We believe his mission in life is to create fun, perhaps not always the fun that we’d approve of but nevertheless he’s guaranteed to bring a smile to everyone that he meets.

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